<-- 因為,要用手機偷影,所以,quality也是這樣吧!!
其實,影相開心之餘,我同亞Ken也上左一課信心的功課呢。A week before the photoshooting day, the wedding shop owner called us and asked if we want to take the picture within 24 hours, as the forecast said it would rain on the day that we booked for photoshoot.
Ken and I went for a little field trip in the park we were planning to take our pictures. As we walked, we prayed aloud to God and trusted that whatever He provides on the day we originally booked, we would have happily take that as a gift. It sounds stupid, but somehow, we both felt even it turns out to be a cloudy (unless it's a thunderstorm) day, we would still do our happy pictures.
We turned down that offer and trusted in our Lord. But it's true scary, as we were following the weather forecast, it said it would have 100% rain. OOPS! there were moments when I turned to Ken and said "Opppps ... dim suen dim suen". Ken would say "Hey, where's the faith!?" ... We kept on trusting ...
2 days before that photoshooting ... hahaha ... the forecast suddenly said "0% rain, cloudless, sunny, +13C" ... hahaha ... God is good ...
During the whole day taking outdoor pictures ... Ken and I kept looking up to the cloudless blue sky thanking God for the smallest thing that He prepared. It was such a warm day in the midst of the chilly autumn weather. We can't ask for more ...
Throughout the whole day, I kept having a saying in my head "Long, you and Ken have to have this kind of faith in the path ahead of you. I will always prepare the best for you ..."
The next morning, I was prompt with a scary question since the moment I opened my eyes on my bed ... (will be continued ...)
lovely photo of the 2 of you. you haven't changed a bit long long
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