Worshipped with my home church in Calgary. Met old good friends, saw old young folks and got to know a few newbies. It felt funny to sit in the same Sanctuary preparing heart to worship with this community which supported my 2-yr stay in Calgary, changed my attitudes, opened up my eyes. Grateful to see how God led many new people into this community. May God keep blessing this loving and missional community.
The night before the 1st day of class for a kid could be very anxiety provoking or even restless. I tasted a little of that last night, as today was my 1st day of class back in Calgary since end of 2005. Many thoughts came across my mind as I was sitting in the same room that I had my seminary course back in 2003. I am no longer taking classes with my group of cohorts. Everyone moves on into a different direction in where God calls each of us to be in! I am no longer the same person as when I started the program in 2004, as my love for my Lord is deepened and I experienced more of His unfailing protection in my life. I no longer have the same mindset, as I brought into the program initially. The questions that I brought into the program are no longer important as I have much deeper encounters with the core of my being and in His Love.

BOY! Meeting up with my cohorts in my class was one of the highlights today. We still feel so close to each other though we are no longer in the same city, though we took different directions with our counselling training. Oh boy ... Angela brought AJ with her. Finally got a chance to meet this adorable good-looking boy boy! He has HUGE round eyes!! We managed to take this picture together while he was starving and shouting for Ang to feel her. hahaha ... OOPS!
WOHOOO ... conversations with my fellowship counsellor in Calgary have always been inspiring and encouraging. We are pretty like-minded in face of our ministries and callings. Our honest and genuine sharing is nurturing to our hearts and cultivating in our friendships.
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