Sunday, June 22, 2008
Missing pieces

A different kind of "fee lee fat let" ...

Thursday, June 19, 2008
That's how I survived last week ...

英國 科學家研究發現,黑猩猩遇襲感到痛楚時,得到同伴上前擁抱或親吻以表安慰,可替受害的猩猩紓緩壓力。
利物浦 約翰摩爾斯大學人類學及生態學進化研究中心的弗雷澤(Orlaith N. Fraser)博士說﹕「安慰的方法通常是一個吻或擁抱。假如猩猩用吻安撫,會將張大了的嘴巴壓到對方身上,一般會吻頭或背。若擁抱的話,牠們會用雙臂攬對方。」她指出,當猩猩獲得安慰後,會做出搔癢或自我理毛等紓壓動作。安慰行為通常在發生衝突後出現,其他情很少見。
Monday, June 2, 2008
Something that takes 2 ...

Since I was little, I was trained to be independent and be self-sufficient. I learnt to be organized, I learnt to find my own way out in face of adversities, I learnt to take care of people around me, I learnt that it was okay to abandoned and ignore me, I learnt to cover up my own darkness, fears, weakness ... any signs of dependence would consider as a sign of weakness and would never be acceptable.
" Dear Lord, ... I am grateful that as I wonder about my future, I can also take comfort in the fact that You are more concerned about the details of my life than I am. I thank You for the dreams You have given me – to marry and to have a family someday.... To be honest, Lord, sometimes I feel like it’s not very important to You. Give me the faith to trust that You will provide Your will in Your time.... I pray that you would ground me in the present even as I anticipate my future. I ask that You would show me today what I can do to please You and become more like the woman You want me to be. I pray for my future husband and ask that even today You instill in him a desire to be a godly husband and father. I ask that You would teach him even now how to develop that character. I ask that You would give both of us a purity of heart, mind and body as we wait to meet and marry each other. I ask that You would make that day come quickly! I seek Your blessings on my future marriage. I ask that you would protect it and guard it so that a healthy heritage will begin through it ..."
That's a prayer that the Holy Spirit gave me ...
and He answered ...
... marriage is something that takes 2 to build ...
Lord, teach us as we walk ... all to you, Jesus
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ... thanks for sharing our greatest joy and excitement and thanks for walking with us as we grow!! You guys are angels in our lives!!!!!!!
... so now ... with the 'when and how' ... wait till I write next time ... quite a few papers to rush for in the coming days ...! hehehehehe ^_^