I must mark this down before I head to bed ...
Though there's a lot of works required from my online course in the gospel of John ... it has been a fruitful so far ... I have to write down some of my thoughts along the way ... gotta make it short ...as I am already quite tired after studying for many many hours today ... my eyes blurred
"... when the wine was gone,
Jesus' mother said to him, 'They have no more wine.'
'Dear woman, why do you involve me?' Jesus replied 'My time has not yet come.'
His mother said to the servants, 'Do whatever he tells you.'" John 3:3-5
Why the mother of Jesus brought this to Jesus' attention ... we don't know ... At this stage there is no indication why Mary expected Jesus to do anything, but his answer to her and her comment to the servants indicated that she thought he would do something to solve this. We don't know if she expected a miracle. We don't know what she expected, and we don't know why she expected anything at all.
... but what she did ....
... was to bring the situation to Jesus; and she has complete confidence that he will do something ...
... and that was how the 1st sign took place in the gospel of John in Cana ...
... makes me wonder ... am I praying having such a full confidence that God will intervene? I guess my faith would sometimes swing to the other side of the pendulum of easily giving in to accept the fact that things are ... in fact, God could intervene at His will that let not forget that ...
Reminds me of the serenity prayers ...
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference" ...