Monday, September 15, 2008

1st anniversary

It was our little pak-tall anniversary last Saturday! What a year (in good terms)!

We drove around some of our favorite places to brainstorm for places where we can take our engagement shots next month with nice autumn scenery. We are different in many ways, but yet, we can somehow compromise in many other ways. He was an alien to me (I guess I was one to him too), but now we can just  sense each other's needs without much words ... a funny feeling indeed. 

Had a nice and simple dinner our on Kingsway, no fancy food or restaurant, but good enough to fill our empty stomachs with satisfaction. 

Monetary expenditure for that day: $20 + Gas
Sweet memory engraved: priceless ^_^

Somehow, I have a few songs playing up in my head these days ... this is one of them ...