It's church's annual mission conference this weekend. Oh boy, the message was so strong. It's nothing like those hard-sell 'go go go mission' but such a motivational sharing by Rev. Wong. He started off the message by sharing a story of how his heart was moved in seeing brokenness is people's lives ... and his basic mentality about mission is to have a compassionate heart to minister to those who are so wounded and bring them to Christ for healing. After all, healing is a huge part of mission work. OH BOY ...
God keeps on knocking and knocking my heart ... same question came to my mind. Ken and I exchanged eye contact and surely God has spoken to our hearts in the same way. We will keep on praying in where God will lead down the road in serving in His Kingdom together. All these messages lately have been ... pointing to the same direction ...
Father, Your calling in my life has become my identity somehow ... and that I will yield for you to take the lead in this whole ... 'thing' ...
a short post, but gotta note this down before I head back to my papers ...