Tuesday, December 22, 2009


聽得最多的問題 “你習慣結婚生活未呀?“
我也custom made了一個答安回應 "慣緊"

當我終於comfortable with my own being
又牽起new learnings
When you thought you finally pulled your life together as ONE
You realized you are actually on the path of merging of TWO and transform into ONE (the ONE that is different from the old) again.

This transformation will never get static, unless you choose to let it remains.

Now, Yes, I am not fully used to this newly wed life ...
But the hardest part is never learning about who do laundry, who take the garbage out ...
but learning to give up self in a loving intention to learn to merge with someone you love, and who love you dearly ...

I don't know if I am making any sense ...
but I realized I get asked by this philosophical questions so many times from many of my loving friends and folks.
So, when I answer 慣緊 ... it just mean that I take your probing in a serious way :)