For the past few years, somehow, this phrase has been lingering in my mind whenever I am setting a plan for my work and study ... "What you want to learn is what you are going to learn" ... once we have a goal to learn, we tend to gear ourselves toward learning those things that are associated to our original goals ...
When I was working in Maples Adolescent Treatment Center ...
I remember when I was in my 1st job after UBC grad, my supervisor from a mental health team said, "If one day ... one day ... that you find nothing to learn from your work or from your study ... you need to reevaluate if you are on the right track in your work and study ..."
When I was working in UBC research team ...
I remember when I was in my 2nd job after UBC grad, this job is all about 'knowledge translation', for this is the foundation of our research project. Though I am not in the field of nursing, the department where I worked, I have learnt how important it is to translate all those head knowledge into practice and daily life.
When I was in Calgary on my 3rd set of practicum ...
I remember the 1st day of meeting with my site supervisor, he asked, "Lorraine, what are your learning objectives?" I walked into this degree with ideas of what I hope to learn (i.e. I have my own learning objectives). However, I realized, the more I learn, the more I realized I need to learn and the more I feel inadequate.
When I was in my 1st counselling session with clients ...
I remember the 1st homework I gave my clients (a family of 3) was to set their learning objectives in the upcoming counselling sessions. It would be a waste of time, if we don't have a direction and a goal to work towards. It would be a waste of time, if we don't know what we want to learn. I remember it took us 4 sessions to come down to their goals, which was great, as our subsequent sessions were very very fruitful.
When I was in Uncle Bean's AFC biweekly training over the summer ...
I remember the few sessions we spent time learning 'how to learn"! it makes sooooo much sense after those 'learning moments for learning' that took place in my life.
What a blessing to have someone in every aspect of my life reminds me to keep learning ... I feel blessed to have all those amazing people in my life. Honestly, I am a 傻o下傻o下人仕being tenderly cared by Our Creator.
As I am planning ahead for my work for the upcoming season, a few learning objectives became very salient. Before any major planning takes place, I am going to have lots of quiet moments with our Lord and check with my BIG BIG Mentor of His thoughts about those objectives lingering in my heart.
Meanwhile, 2 lines from Proverbs also appeared in my heart, as I am doing all these plannings and consultations with Our Lord ... "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make you paths straight" ...! My Lord reminds me to focus on Him, as I recalled how much I wanted and planned to graduate last year, but turned out that I became so sick. My Lord reminds me that lesson, as I felt dizzy for the past 2 weeks(no worries, I am being very 保by Dr. mom's 'special drinks' and going to see Chinese Dr tomorrow). Perhaps, ultimately, my focus is set on My Lord than anything else ...
I have started to pray for a few topics for the upcoming conferences in this season ... I am feeling very very excited for this coming season, though I'd be packed ...
I am thankful that 'building relationships' is never kicked out of my piority list even when I am jammed packed.